Exercise Pool

Mags used to go swimming once or twice a week to local pools. Covid put a stop to that, so she “suggested” it would be a good idea to buy a plastic one so she could exercise at home. Despite my listing a dozen practical reasons as to why this was not a good idea, a pool she had!
Granddaughter demonstrating how to use - you are tethered by a strong “bungee” to the back wall and swim against it.

Swamp Field Drainage

Several drains combine into a single one buried under the “swamp” field (so called because it’s partly clay soil and doesn’t drain very well).  Drains had become blocked resulting in water breaking through above ground. Needed to dig down, and replace blocked/damaged sections with plastic drainage pipe.

Uprate Borehole Fusebox

Borehole pump electrical controls were a bit dated so decided to replace with more modern kit. When excavating the armoured cable discovered it had been extended originally with a short length of smaller diameter cable so decided to replace this with cable of same diameter.

New Oil Tank

Originally had two steel oil tanks on the farm, one red diesel for tractor and the other for heating oil. Red diesel tank sprung a leak and was replaced with a plastic one so decided to replace heating oil one with a double skinned plastic one before that could leak.

Swamp Field Drainage Swimming Pool

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